This function converts a SPAGeDi file into a ecogen object
spagedi2ecogen(infile, sep = "", missCode = NULL, type = c("codominant", "dominant"), ...)
infile | Path to the SPAGeDi file. |
sep | Character separating alleles (codominant data). Default option is no character separating alleles. |
missCode | characters to represent missing genotypes in codominant markers. If NULL, is computed as "0" times the numer of characters coding alleles. |
type | Marker type: "codominant" or "dominant". |
... | additional arguments passed to |
# NOT RUN { data(eco.test) ecogen2spagedi(eco, dir = "", pop = "pop", ndig = 1,int=2, smax=6, outName="infile.spagedi.txt") spagedi2ecogen("infile.spagedi.txt", sep = "") # }