The function splits an ecogen object into the groups defined in the slot S. If asList is TRUE, a list with the objects is created , that can be assigned to a name with regular rules, using the operator "<-". Otherwise, the function creates in the workspace an ecogen object for each group with the following nomenclature: <name of ecogen object>.<name of the group>.
eco.split(eco, hier, name = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, missing = c("0", "NA", "MEAN"), asList = TRUE)
eco | Object of class "ecogen". |
hier | The name of the S slot column with labels assigning individuals to groups. |
name | Name used for the output objects. Default is the name of the input,followed by a suffix (see Description). |
overwrite | Overwrite files with the same name of the output if already present in workspace when asList = FALSE? Default FALSE. |
missing | Missing data argument This can take three values ("0", "NA" or "MEAN"),
as described in |
asList | Return a list with the objects instead of creating objects in workspace? Default = TRUE |
# NOT RUN { data(eco3) eco3 # list of objects x <- eco.split(eco3, "structure", asList = TRUE) # rebinding eco.bind <- eco.rbind(x) # note that different subsets can also be created S1.3 <- eco.rbind(x[[1]], x[[3]]) # split and create objects with prefix "eco3" eco.split(eco3,"structure", asList = FALSE) # split and create objects with prefix "newObjects" eco.split(eco3,"structure", "newObjects", asList = FALSE) # }