This program applies a function defined by the user, using a moving window (circle area or square) and assigning the value to the focal pixel.
eco.slide.matrix(mat, r, slide, fun, window = c("square", "circle"), within = TRUE)
mat | Input raster matrix. |
r | Half a side for square, radius for circle, diagonal length for rhombus. |
slide | Number of elements between two focal pixels, for column and row dimension |
fun | Function to apply in each focal pixel. |
window | Window type. Default "square". |
within | Should the function be computed in focal pixels of the borders, only if the area is within the matrix? Default TRUE. |
# NOT RUN { data(eco.test) ras <- matrix(eco[["P"]][, 1], 15, 15) image(ras) ras.square <- eco.slide.matrix(ras, 1, 1, mean, "square") image(ras.square) # or allowing more control over the function: ras.square <- eco.slide.matrix(ras, r = 3, slide = 1, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), "square") image(ras.square) # sliding a circle: <- eco.slide.matrix(ras, r = 3, slide = 1, mean, "circle", within = FALSE) image( # }