Plot method for local spatial analysis
# S4 method for eco.multilsa eco.rasterplot(x, grp = NULL, limits = NULL, title = NULL, = NULL, vertical = TRUE, significant = TRUE, rescaled = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, interactivePlot = TRUE, ...)
x | eco.multilsa object returned by |
grp | factor with groups to use in the plot. Default NULL |
limits | values limits used for computing the data gradient for the plot |
title | plot title | | name for the legend |
vertical | should be partitioned the populations on the x axis? Default TRUE. |
significant | plot only significant results? Default TRUE |
rescaled | plot the rescaled observed values ([-1,1] range)? |
alpha | threshold P value for results with permutation tests. default = 0.05. |
interactivePlot | Show an interactive plot via plotly? (default: TRUE) |
... | additional arguments |