Kruskall - Wallis + Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney U) and aov + Tukey-HSD tests for an ecogen object
eco.pairtest(eco, df = c("P", "E", "A", "C"), x, test = c("wilcoxon", "tukey"), adjust = "fdr", only.p = TRUE, ...)
eco | Object of class "ecogen". |
df | The data frame for the analysis. Could be "P", "E" "A" or "C". For dominant data, "A" is here considered here a synonym of the G data frame. |
x | The name of the S slot column with the groups for the analysis. |
test | Test to perform ("wilcoxon", "tukey"). |
adjust | P-values correction method for multiple tests
passed to |
only.p | Should it be just a matrix with P-values returned? Default TRUE. |
... | Additional arguments passed to |
This program returns the Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney U) or Tukey-HSD statistics and P-values for the multiple comparisons of the variables contained in the selected data frame, among the levels of a factor of the slot "S".
# NOT RUN { data(eco3) wil <- eco.pairtest(eco = eco3, df = "P", x = "structure") wil wil <- eco.pairtest(eco = eco3,df = "E", x = "structure") wil wil <- eco.pairtest(eco = eco3, df = "P", x = "structure", only.p = FALSE) wil wil <- eco.pairtest(eco = eco3,df = "P", x = "structure", test = "tukey") wil # }